Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Facing the Giants

Leslie and I went late Sunday night to finally see the movie "Facing the Giants". This movie was made by a church in Georgia using no professional actors. I was really impressed with it and came away inspired. The acting, as expected, was subpar but it didn't take me long to get past that part and enjoy the purpose of the movie. It's about a high school coach, which many parents want to get rid of, who decideds to put everything in God's hands including his football team (the school is a Christian school) and relays that message to his players. Great things begin to happen, but I'll let you watch the movie to see what exactly happens. I suggest that you go see this movie, it's very inspiring and has a great message. One thing I will say is that it does sugarcoat Christianity somewhat. I'm not saying that God is not able to do all of the things that were done in this movie but things don't always turn out in real life as sugar coated as they do in the movie. But it is a good story about how God's blessings await those who are ready to receive them.

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