Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sickness and Coolness

Leslie is battling some sickness right now, hopefully it's not the flu. *fingers crossed* so she has been doing some resting the past day or two. I'm hoping I don't catch what she's got.

So I go to my Landlords' apartment (they live in the apt. building) to pay rent. Sunday night they were in attendance when we sang. I knock on the door and they let me in and I hand them the envelope with the rent check. We talked about Sunday night and they mentioned how they enjoyed us and that we did really well then he gets up and leaves the room and comes back with a $20 bill and hands it to me and said he meant to put it in the collection basket Sunday night (they took up an offering for us at West End). I though that was extremely cool of him to do that. Apparently he didn't even mind that my rent was 5 days late. God works in mysterious ways sometimes.

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