Monday, January 08, 2007

How Great Is Our God

Yesterday we had an awesome Sunday morning service. Mike came back from Birmingham for the first time since Janet's transplant and preached an awesome sermon and shared Janet's powerful testimony and his own testimony about how all of this has opened his eyes even more to God's power and his timing, which is perfect by the way. I had originally planned to sing "Shout to the Lord" following his sermon but changed it to "How Great is Our God" yesterday morning at the last minute when I saw the title of his sermon was "How Great is Our God". It's a song, he shared, that Janet loves. So before we sang the song Mike was advised by Scott and Allison that he should call Janet so that she could listen/sing it with us. He couldn't get her at first, but as we got to the middle of the song, he was finally able to contact her and let her listen to the song as we sang. Such a powerful moment and a moment that reminded me of why we come together to worship.

God's power and perfect timing has been so evident through Janet since the call was made to her and Mike that they had a potential match. It truly humbles me to think about it and to try and comprehend it, which I've come to find out is impossible. It definitely opened my eyes to live for each moment and to not take for granted the life God has given me, but instead to use it for his glory and for the purpose he has put me on this Earth to fulfill. It's a work in progress, but I'm willing to work at it. I hope you'll join me. God truly is a Great God.

"Sing with me How Great is Our God"

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